The North Carolina Association of Elementary Educators (NCAEE) is excited to be launching a brand new blog this year, and we need your help to name it. Right now our blog name is nothing more than a descriptive title - the NC Association of Elementary Educators Blog, but we're hoping you can help us come up with something a little snazzier. In fact, we're so committed to finding a great blog title that we're giving away a $25 gift card to to the person thinks of the perfect name!
Before you can help us name our blog, you'll need to know a little about us. We were founded in 2005 by a group of dedicated elementary educators who wanted to form a nonprofit organization devoted entirely to the needs of elementary students. Each fall we host a terrific statewide Elementary School Conference that features outstanding presenters and keynote speakers from across the nation. In recent years we've been honored to have Ron Clark, Marcia Tate, Harry Wong, the Bag Ladies, and Dr. Jean speak at our event. Participants leave our conference energized and filled with renewed enthusiasm for the teaching profession. For the last few years, we've also held smaller, one-day conferences in each of our eight regions. Our goal is to provide outstanding professional development opportunities for elementary teachers across the state. You can learn more about us by visiting the NCAEE Website and signing up for our newsletter.
Our NCAEE Blog Vision
Simply put, we love kids! We enjoy teaching them and learning new strategies to best meet their needs. We are dedicated professionals who seek opportunities for professional growth among like-minded educators. We want this blog to become a place where we can share ideas and collaborate about best practices in elementary education. Our NCAEE Leadership Team consists of a wide variety of educators from classroom teachers to college professors, and each one will be contributing to this blog. We'll also invite guest bloggers to share tips, strategies, and advice for staying on the cutting edge in elementary education. Launching this blog is an exciting adventure for us, so you can see why it's important for us to find just the right name for it.
We're also reaching out and finding other ways to collaborate, too. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to stay in touch and hear the latest conference news. You can also follow this blog using one of the links on the right.
Have you been hit with inspiration yet? We welcome ideas from all educators, not just those who live in North Carolina. If have an idea for our blog name, please enter the contest by filling out the form below. If not, keep thinking about it and be sure to return to this page when that brilliant idea pops into your head. It could be worth $25 to spend at The contest will end on Sunday evening, February 24th, or whenever we find that perfect name!